Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March 21, 2024

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) governs how we, Orchid Security Inc. (“OrchidSecurity” “we”, “our” or “us”) use, collect, disclose, and store Personal Data we collect or receive from or about you (“you”) such as when you submit a "Contact me" form on our website,  (“Website”);

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, so you can understand our practices and your rights in relation to personal data. “Personal Data” or “Personal Information”means any information that can be used, alone or together with other data, touniquely identify any living human being and any information deemed asPersonally Identifiable Information by privacy laws. Please note that this is amaster privacy policy and some of its provisions only apply to individuals incertain jurisdictions. For example, the legal basis in the table below is onlyrelevant to GDPR-protected individuals.

Table of Contents

This Privacy Policy can be updated from time to time and, therefore, we ask you to check back periodically for the latest version of this Privacy Policy. If we implement significant changes to the use of your Personal Data in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection, we will notify you by posting a notice on our Website or by other means.

1. What information we collect, why we collect it, and how it is used

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Any other information you choose to share with us
  • In order to answer your request to "Contact me".
  • To provide relevant subscription options.
  • To send marketing communications
  • In order to take steps to enter into a contract with you.
  • Legitimate interest (in order to answer your request to "get started")
  • Until we no longer need the information and proactively delete it, or you send a valid deletion request
  • Cannot answer your request to "Contact me".
  • Cannot send you marketing communications.

Please note that some of the above mentioned Personal Data will be used for detecting, taking steps to prevent, and prosecution of fraud or other illegal activity, to identify and repair errors, to conduct audits, and for security purposes. Personal Data may also be used to comply with applicable laws, with investigations performed by the relevant authorities, law enforcement purposes, and/or to exercise or defend legal claims. In certain cases, we may or will anonymize or de-identify your Personal Data and further use it for internal and external purposes, including, without limitation, to improve the services and for research purposes. “Anonymous Information” means information which does not enable identification of an individual user, such as aggregated information about the use of our services. We may use Anonymous Information and/or disclose it to third parties without restrictions (for example, in order to improve our services and enhance your experience with them).

2. How we protect and retain your information

3. How we share your personal data

4. Additional information regarding transfers of personal data

5. Your privacy rights. How to delete your account

6. Use by children

7. Interaction with third party products  

8. Log files and analytic tools

9. Specific provisions applicable under California privacy law

10. Contact Us