use case

Unify Fragmented IAM Infrastructure

use case

Unify Fragmented IAM Infrastructure


The IAM Stack is Disconnected

Today’s identity and access management (IAM) infrastructure is made up of anywhere between 6-16 different tools, ranging from a central directory and repository of secrets to basic and privileged access management to identity governance and threat detection and response solutions. Unfortunately, as Gartner recognizes “many organizations’ IAM infrastructure operates as a collection of siloed IAM tools.”  (Improve IAM Architecture by Embracing 10 Identity Fabric Principles)


Drains Limited Time and Money

As a result of this tool disconnect, an organization’s scarce resources are being used inefficiently. Often independent tools include redundant functions in addition to those that were uniquely required. Routinely, IAM teams spend extra cycles bridging the gaps between tools that don’t work together. And this is happening at a time that nearly half of organizations report that they are neither adequately staffed nor funded for new projects. (2023 Gartner IAM Modernization Survey).

“Our objective with Orchid is to transform the largely (90%) manual process of on-boarding an application- which can take weeks after release- to one that is highly (90%) automated and accomplished in days.”

Jon Raper

CISO, Costco


Use an Identity Fabric to Integrate Applications and the IAM Stack

Gartner asserts that “IAM must evolve from a collection of tools operating in silos to a more composable and flexible fabric that is able to quickly support new business use cases and access needs.” (Improve IAM Architecture.) Organizations know that the manual effort and cost of integrating IAM infrastructure through APIs and human effort is large and ongoing. Increasingly, specialists vendors are providing out of the box offerings to connect these disparate tools.

Out-of-the-box connectors for seamless integration

Identity instrumentation to augment native capabilities

Central policy management for consistent identity security posture


Unify IAM Infrastructure, Without the Extensive and Ongoing Manual Effort

The Orchid Security Platform augments each application’s native capabilities with out of the box connectors for common IAM tools in order to establish a seamless Identity Fabric.

Reduce the ongoing pro services spend on integration

Avoid the inefficiency of context switching across tools

Speed the onboard of new applications and individuals.

Secure Your Identity

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